• The modified template file for extended abstract has been uploaded on 28 June. Both abstraces (500 words and Extened abstract) are needed for presentation. Extended abstract should be prepared by 2 pages. (updated on 28 June, 2024).
  • Registration is required to submit an abstract. Click here for registration.
  • Figures and tables cannot be included in a 500-word abstract. If figures or tables are included, it will be returned.
  • Since May 14, 2024, there has been a situation where abstracts could not be submitted. This problem has already been resolved on May 21, 2024.

Please be reminded to upload your abstract to submission system by 13 June 30 June (Extended), 2024. The abstract will be prepared by using the template. The body should be limited up to 500 words. The acceptance will be notified until 30 June 15 July (Extended), 2024.

If your abstract is not accepted and you decide not to attend this symposium, all your registration fee will be refunded without any charges.

Submission deadlines
Abstract (500 words): 13 May 2024 ,13 June 30 June 2024 (Extended)
Extended abstract (2–4 2 pages): 30 June 2024 31 July 2024 (Extended)


BE: Biological Engineering
BR: Biomechatronic & Robotics in Agriculture
PM: Farm Power and Machinery
PA: Precision Agriculture (Smart Agriculture, Data-driven Agriculture)
LE: Livestock Engineering
FE: Food Engineering
PT: Postharvest Technology
ET: Structure & Environmental Technology
RE: Bioenergy and Renewable Energy
WM: Waste management
GT: Green Technology
IE: Information & Electronics
ST: Sensor Technology
GA: General Aspect
FS: Food Safety
DXE: DX, Math & Data Science Education for Agriculture
OET: Other Emerging Technologies