Confirmation of Participation for New ISMAB 2024 Technical Tour

Dear ISMAB 2024 Attendees,

Unfortunately, due to insufficient participation in the originally planned three technical tours, we have arranged an alternative tour program for your consideration. We kindly ask that you confirm your interest in joining the following tour by filling out the Google Form linked below:

Tour Program: Please taka a look at the schedule of the 3rd day.
Tour Fee: $80 
Participant Limit: The tour will be conducted with the first 50 participants. 
Payment: Please pay the tour fee in cash by 3:00 PM on September 27 at the symposium registration desk. 
Note: For those who had already signed up for one of the previous tours, no additional payment is required.

Please confirm your participation by completing the following Google Form:

For those who had previously signed up for one of the original tours and do not wish to participate in the new technical tour, we will process a refund of the tour fee at the registration desk. Please indicate your preference for a refund via the Google Form as well.

We kindly request your response by 20th September, as spots are limited. We greatly appreciate your understanding and look forward to seeing you in Bali soon.

Best regards, 
Kohei NAKANO, PhD 
ISMAB 2024 Organizing Committee